I was set to spend the night home alone, locked i
n my room listening to the same song on repeat and writing shitty, angsty teen poetry but my best friend Ewic had other plans for me. I was home alone, so I almost didn't even answer the door because I figured it was a neighbor looking for my parents. But, when I did, I saw Ewic holding a single red rose, a pack of Marlboro Reds, and a 6-pack of Budweiser. He said something corny like, "All my favorite Red's favorite reds."
He skipped the party to hang out with me.
I've been thinking about Ewic a lot recently. I've been going through some stuff and I really wish I could call him, he was always my first phone call when I was upset. I miss him terribly, but I'm thankful for memories like this that remind me what an awesome friend I had.

Far too many people missing others on Valentines day. Starting to think this day makes people feel bad more than better.
OBAMA self.... don't wanna be... OBAMA self... anymore...
Happy V-day. <3
The same happened to me this V Day, I'm single.
I'm with Erasmus. It's cool if you're with someone, but most people seem to be dragged down by V-Day.
Damn, you still smoke cowboy killers? My kind of woman.
I've spent every single VDay of my life alone. Not a forever alone tho, I just dont see myself having a relationship before 25.
being alone at valentines day suck!
its nice you have great memories like that, and pics to remember them by :)
nostailga is good but new memories can be even better :)
Yea V-Day sucks if u love someone but she didn´t care
I thought corny stuff like that only happened in movies:)
Unrelated Randomness
I say we get together a petition to get rid of Hallmark--I mean Valentines Day.
That's what I call a valentines story.
i don't care for this holiday.
That dude looks like Jude Law
aww that is beautiful.
but i really don't care for this holiday
I was alone for valentines :(
:] Awwww, that's nice. Thanks for the idea for future V. Days
I'm sorry you lost him :(
I'ts really important to have a really close friend like this. My best friend, charlotte, lives 1200km away but whenever either of us needs to talk its only a phone call away. It's good knowing that no matter what happens that person is there for you.
I passed so many v-days alone...it sucks,I know
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