Sunday, February 13, 2011

Honey Badger Don't Care!


Unknown said...

This guy needs to do more narrations. Hilarious vid.

Igneel21 said...

hahahaha best narrator ever

Kerykeion said...

Wow that narrator should do voice-overs for a bunch of documentaries, I'd watch em lol

level85nerd said...

WHat a narrator in the vid...

c0pywasted said...

aww too cute.

Stuff that matters, stuff that don't said...

Hilarious video, a bit funnier than your average documentary.

Themanwiththegoldeneyeball said...

That was great. Loved it.

Aaron The Baron said...

lmao wow, great vid. kinda like your blog ;D i'll be sure to check back often! here's mine if you're interested,

Leviuqse said...

more narrations from that guy please@!

Fktrctq said...

Omg, Looks dangerous! But cute :3

Anonymous said...

The guy sounds exactly like one of my gay friends :D

A said...

Ahahaha that shit was fucking hilarious.

Badgers are actually so bad ass, I was near Osoyoos one day and one was in the middle of the road.

I was like, well then, you're gonna need to get out of the way, but it didn't.

I had to go outside and threaten it before it even moved, and even then it was a half assed attempt.


Jett said...

This is really funny

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